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The Three Different Male Bodybuilding Categories

The world of male bodybuilding is a complex and ever-evolving landscape of physical fitness and competition, and the three chief categories of competition – Men’s Physique, Classic Physique, and Bodybuilding – have distinct differences that set them apart.

Men’s Physique is the newest of the three bodybuilding categories, having emerged in 2012 as a response to the increasingly homogenized and overly muscular bodybuilding aesthetic of the 2000s. Men’s Physique focuses on showcasing the physique of the modern man and emphasizes proportion, symmetry, and aesthetics over sheer mass. This category is judged on body composition, size, and shape, and competitors are expected to have a certain level of muscularity and definition and adhere to certain aesthetic standards.

Classic Physique is a category that focuses on highlights the classic aesthetics of the bodybuilding physique of the golden era of bodybuilding, which is the late 70s and early 80s. This category is judged on body composition, size, and shape, but competitors are expected to have a certain level of muscularity and definition and adhere to the aesthetically pleasing standards of the golden era of bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding is the original category of male bodybuilding and is the most competitive and demanding of the three main categories. Bodybuilding is focused on showcasing the ultimate in muscularity and mass, with competitors expected to display extreme levels of size, definition, and muscularity. This category is judged on body composition, size, and shape, but competitors are expected to have an extreme level of muscularity and definition and adhere to the highest standards of muscularity and aesthetics.

Ultimately, the three main categories of male bodybuilding are all distinct and focused on different aesthetic ideals and goals. Men’s Physique is focused on showcasing the physique of the modern man, Classic Physique is focused on showcasing the classic aesthetics of the golden era of bodybuilding, and Bodybuilding is focused on showcasing the ultimate in muscularity and mass. Each category has its own unique requirements and standards of competition and each provides its own unique challenge to aspiring bodybuilders.

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